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Family farm Jakus

Buy superfood from Vesna Jakus:


Microgreens, herbs and edible flowers

Microgreens from Jakus family farm are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals - a perfect superfood product for foodies, families, and restaurant chefs.

Vesna Jakus is an entrepreneurial agronomist with a passion to grow the highest quality, nutrient-dense microgreens that will help you live a healthier lifestyle! She owns a small, family farm located in the beautiful village of Vrsine, where you can visit her all-year round.  Everything she produces is grown using only organic and GMO-free seeds and all-natural methods.

Some of the varieties that she grows are green pea, red beets, mangold, red radish, beans,

adzuki beans, sunflower, basil, etc. Indeed, microgreens might seem small and fragile, but it is a superfood ready to change the world. This little vegetable will boost color, enhance flavor and add texture to any dish while providing a nutritional punch. 


A better world with better food

Vesna thrives to set her business model as a sustainable example for the local community, her young son Jakov and future generations. She emphasizes how she loves her work because it gives immediate results. On the other hand, it can be very stressful, when micros do not grow as planned.  

She has a large responsibility towards the restaurant chefs, waiting for their order. »Sometimes my subconscious mind communicates with me in my dreams and reminds me that I forgot to plant some seeds or to go and check the growth of certain micros. When I wake up in the middle of the night and check my produce, I realize that it never lets me down! «


Fresh products from farm to table

 »I believe in a future that is cleaner, healthier, and sustainable. I am fully committed to low-impact agriculture and my products are free from GMO, chemical pesticides, and herbicides.

I think that clean-grown superfood can help make the world a healthier place. 

I guarantee a super fresh product from farm to table, because I deliver microgreens in small pots and customers can harvest them anytime they want. «


Super nutritious & delicious all year round

Microgreens from the Jakus family farm are not grown indoors with LED lights. Instead, they have a greenhouse, where they use the organic method for growing in compost soil, pure water, fresh air, and natural light. This results in a higher content of vitamins and minerals. During the day, a greenhouse traps heat from the sun, which allows the plants inside to stay warm at night, ensuring fresh micros all year around.


Good for chefs

Microgreens are often added to dishes for color, texture, intense flavor and fragrant aroma and restaurant chefs can enhance their reputation for uncommon, highly nutritious, and flavorful offerings. Vesna proudly explains how the chefs from the most prestigious restaurants in Dalmatia visit Vrsine village in order to buy microgreens

“This place is such a hidden gem and it makes me happy that my small business contributes to promotion of our beautiful destination in an original and different way.« Some of the hotels and restaurants that order her microgreens are Hotel Park Split, Hotel Štacija Kaštela, Restaurant Dvor, Restaurant Zora Bila, etc.


Where nature and evolution meet

In a time where clean and nutritious land gets more scarce, it is time to think innovatively. Vesna is very excited about her future plans.  »In the last months, I have had an increasing demand for edible flowers. This inspired me to expand my offer and approach agriculture in an innovative way - by growing vertically. I will use less water and also save considerable space.«

Welcome to Jakus Family Farm!

Working time: by previous telephone appointment
Vrsinska cesta 11, Vrsine 21222 Marina